Kayla Tong (b. 1993) is a cinematographer and director. She is a Hong Kong native who base also in Los Angeles and London, and have called Missouri and Lisbon home in between. After graduating from USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2015, the narrative and documentary work she lensed have screened in a number of venues such as The New Yorker Documentary Series, Busan International Film Festival, New Orleans Film Festival, LA Asian Pacific Film Festival, and LA Shorts Fest. She was awarded Best Director at the 2017 Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival for “Home is Where the Sunsets”, an autobiographical film she also wrote and shot. Kayla is a Busan’s Asian Film Academy's cinematography fellow, a Visual Communications’s  Armed with a Camera Fellowship directing fellow, and a recipient of European Union’s Erasmus Mundas Scholarship.

Kayla's rootless upbringing and encounters with people from around the world inform the themes of much of her work, telling stories of diaspora and displacement. Cinema is her way of sharing her lifelong study on the human condition by confronting it everyday with a deep curiosity. Aspired to represent her communities with integrity and authenticity, her films feature strong women and multifaceted Asian communities, and explore the rootlessness of Hongkonger as an evolving identity.

2022 - Docs by the Sea International Documentary Lab and Forum, Indonesia
2021 - Film Development Fellowship at Renaissance Foundation Hong Kong
2021 - ViuTV Hong Kong TV Broadcast for “Ateh”
2021 - Audience Award & Special Mention for “Ateh” at Hong Kong Fresh Wave Intl Film Festival
2021 - New Yorker Documentary Series Official Selection for “Herselves”
2019 - New Orleans Film Festival Official Selection for “Morning Passing on El Cajón Boulevard”
2017 - European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Studies in Cinematography
2017 - Best Director Award for “Home is Where the Sunsets” at Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Fest.
2016 - Armed With a Camera Fellowship Directing Fellow at LA Asian Pacific Film Fest.
2014 - Asian Film Academy Cinematography Fellow at Busan Intl Film Fest., South Korea


Kayla Tong,電影攝影師、導演,1993年出生於香港,自15歲移居至美國,畢業於南加州大學電影藝術學院,曾旅居葡萄牙,現在遊走香港和洛杉磯兩地生活。

Kayla 的紀錄片作品有《從未說過的事》及《她們》,劇情片作品包括《洗》、《The Invisible Ones》、《Wordless》、《World as We Know It》和香港鮮浪潮短片《Ateh》,她更憑藉同時編導攝的自傳式短片《家在日落處》榮獲2017年薩克拉曼多亞太電影節的最佳導演獎,並在國際20多個電影節放映。她的攝影作品分別在釜山國際影展、洛杉磯亞太電影節、薩拉索塔電影節、洛杉磯短片節和多倫多亞洲國際電影節等地方上展出,由她拍攝四部分其一的紀錄短片選集《尋找天堂》為第20屆聖地亞哥亞洲電影節的開幕電影。Kayla 在2014年入選釜山亞洲電影學院,2016年入選Armed with a Camera Fellowship,同年以歐盟伊拉斯謨計劃獎學金到葡萄牙深造電影攝影。

Kayla 想透過電影創作,以一種視覺和感官呈現出自己對於社會人文狀況的理解。處處扎根的成長經歷是她的靈感來源,所以作品大多聚焦於散居、流亡、多元文化和邊緣化人群的生活。她對分析心理學有濃厚的興趣,希望自己看得到的角度能讓不同文化背景的人產生共嗚和同理心。拍攝風格具實驗性及大膽,以合併劇情與紀錄片元素作為一個呈現故事超真實性的手段。目前,她的劇情片作品《Ateh》即將在2021年6月的香港鮮浪潮電影節及9月的台灣金穗獎電影節上放映;紀錄混合短片《她們》探討一名韓裔美國導演對其移民母親年輕時的想像,正在《紐約客》網上公開放映。